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June 22, 2021: RC Pylon Racing

By Gary Freeman Jr.

On Monday, June 21, we competed in EF1. It is an electric class. It was a very windy day and made things challenging at times, but most handled it well.

EF1 is the only electric class that we race at the Nats. This is a box stock class that makes for some really great racing. We had 32 entries. There were lots of tight races and, unfortunately, a few lost airplanes.

June 22, 2021: Control Line Racing

By Tim Stone

Three events were to be run Monday, but Muncie’s weather had other plans! Wind gusts of over 25 mph led to the postponement of all of the racing schedules.

F2C is the only international racing event that’s run at the US Nationals. Due to the cost, difficulty, and complexity, it has shrunk to even smaller participation than in past years. Three teams were entered, but due to weather conditions, the event was postponed indefinitely.

June 19, 2021: RC Scale Aerobatics

By Rich Whitlow

Friday started out blustery, but with no rain. So 8 a.m. came and pilots hit the air … and LOTS OF AIR there was! The wind was brutal, and pilots had to use all of their skills to get through their Unknowns … and LAND! Many pilots had to land across the runway the short way! That was quite a site.

Then the rain came. 

We had a flying break until around noon. Then the rain let off and flying started again.

We were able to get through one Unknown round and on Known round—well accomplished rounds, I might add.
