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Nats News

A few of the pilots attending the pilot meeting for the F5J Team Selects.

A few of the pilots attending the pilot meeting for the F5J Team Selects.

It's 6 p.m. on July 25, 2024 … do you know where your F5J pilot is?
They are at Site 5 of the AMA International Aeromodeling Center attending the pilot meeting for US F5J Team Selects, which will determine who represents the US at the F5J World Championships being held in Argentina.

The Greve/Thompson Flying Aces Club mass launch.

The Greve/Thompson Flying Aces Club mass launch.

The 2024 AMA Outdoor Free Flight (FF) Nats began at sunrise on Thursday, with Dawn Unlimited and the F1B flyoff. The day was jam-packed with exciting flying and high-entry events.

Mark Groves flew his Supra in ALES.

Mark Groves flew his Supra in ALES.

Good morning, Muncie! The final day of Altitude Limited Electric Soaring (ALES) is in the books. ALES is the everyman Thermal Duration event. You can fly everything from a foam Radian to a 4-figure carbon slipper.

Michael Wizynajtys discus launching his CX5.

Michael Wizynajtys discus launching his CX5.

Day two of F3K is in the books, and we have a new National Champion. Mengchen Li won the title, followed by Joe Dougherty and Contest Director (CD) Mickey Nowell on the podium.


Nats Demystified

Lots of electric sailplanes are present at the 2024 AMA RC Soaring Nats.

Lots of electric sailplanes are present at the 2024 AMA RC Soaring Nats.

A kinder, gentler Nats. Ahhhhh. The start of Altitude Limited Electric Soaring (ALES) went smoothly for Conest Director Norm Poti. If there were issues, they weren't noticed by those enjoying their first day of ALES.

thermal hunting demystified

In our final episode of Nats Demystified, Matt Ruddick talks to Wally Adasczik and Bob Sifleet about hunting thermals in Soaring and Free Flight events.

windy conditions demystified

Join Matt Ruddick for another Nats Demystified where he talks to League of Silent Flight Secretary John Marien about how sailplanes are able to soar in windy conditions.

lost free flight model demystified

Matt Ruddick comes back for another episode of Nats Demystified to talk to four-time Nats champion Bob Sifleet about how free flight modelers find stray models.  


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