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July 23, 2021: Indoor Free Flight

By Rob Romash

Nats Eve and a new day

As we filter through another full day, we realize it's half over?!?! Nearly.

Last time I showed some “focus” launch poses. What if your model doesn’t just go hypersonic and then either explodes or glides for about a minute? What if you had much more time?

Here are some favorite lounge poses. The most popular is the “laid back.” It's crazy how a firm, flat back feels after two days of being up, standing, and craning your neck up. Kudos to the artificial green stuff guys.

July 22, 2021: Science Olympiad Day at the Indoor Free Flight Nats

By Chuck Andraka

Wednesday, July 21, the National Free Flight Society (NFFS) leveraged its new relationship with Science Olympiad to host 18 students and 10 coaches from 10 middle schools and high schools, mostly from Michigan and Ohio, but also from as far as Austin. Science Olympiad is a scholastic science competition that includes an indoor flying event.

July 20, 2021: RC Aerobatics Preview

By Jim Quinn

AMA has published the “official” dates for this year’s Nats. The real question, however, is when did the Nats begin for the pilots?

Yes, they had to register before the deadline, they made transportation and living arrangements, they coordinated with friends, and many other things.

Many traffic delays caused my arrival at AMA’s IAC to be much later than was the plan. On arrival, the sun was setting, but that didn’t stop pilots from one extra trim flight. Bryan Hebert was flying his biplane on Site 3. Check out the setting sun.

June 25, 2021: Control Line Aerobatics Ends

By Matt Neumann

Well, Wednesday I left off with the statement that Thursday could be a very interesting day. It was!

Contestants were again greeted with cool temperatures and some wind. The temperatures were a little warmer than what we have been greeted with from the past two days, but light jackets were the norm to start out with. The temperatures increased throughout the day, along with the wind and the competition.

June 24, 2021: Control Line Navy Carrier Ends

By Melvin Schuette

Wednesday, June 23, was Class I and II Carrier in both the internal combustion glow motors and electric-powered planes. The difference between the events that were flown on Tuesday and those on Wednesday is that the planes flown on Tuesday used profile fuselages that only have to resemble an actual plane that made a takeoff and arrested landing on a carrier ship or is designated as a carrier-based plane. The classes of Carrier flown on Wednesday have built-up fuselages and must be within plus or minus 5% of the actual scale outline.

June 23, 2021: Control Line Combat

By Mike Stinson

Tuesday, the Control Line Combat at the Nats 2021 finished four days of F2D Combat.  Since the Team Trials were canceled late in planning, Saturday and Sunday became kind of the ”Non-Team Trials.” Contestants came from all over the US, Mexico, Russia, and the Ukraine.   

Monday and Tuesday were the Official AMA F2D Combat event.  There were 25 contestants, including two Junior/Senior, Austin Minor and Alex Dementiev. There was some really great flying, despite the heavy wind on Monday, which reached 23 mph.