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Nats News

July 14, 2020: CL Precision Aerobatics (Stunt)

red and block model airplane

By Matt Neumann On Monday, Control Line Aerobatics (Stunt) started off with processing and appearance judging. It is also a time for everyone to get together and start to catch up on things since we last met. For most of us, that was a year ago at the 2019 Nats. I am always amazed at the diverse backgrounds of our pilots.  We have engineers, salespersons, mechanics in both cars and aircraft, professional pilots, and many more. Yet there is one thing that always brings us together— the love of model aircraft; Control Line aerobatic aircraft to be exact.

July 13, 2020: RC Pylon

By Gary Freeman

Day one of the RC Pylon Nats has come and gone. With everything going on in the world today, I think everyone here is looking forward to a safe week with friends and family doing what they love. Thank you, AMA, for allowing us the opportunity.

July 13, 2020: CL Racing

By Tim Stone

As with the rest of the world, the corona virus has affected Control Line racing at the Nats this year.  The National Control Line Racing Association (NCLRA) officers were waiting until June 10, for AMA to give the okay for Outdoor Nats to proceed. By this time, Indoor and Outdoor Free Flight had decided that they were going to cancel anyway. Not so with NCLRA—race is on! Gentlemen start your engines!

July 13, 2020: CL Combat

By Phil Cartier

Sunday saw lots more great flying in the F2D Combat Finals. The turnout was low—14 entries. All of the pilots were competent fliers with good equipment and lot of contest experience. It really showed in how smoothly the matches went and the excellent system for scoring and displaying the results.

It took 11 matches on top of the 32 matches on Saturday to get to the new winner.  Bill Maywald won first place with some great flying, not only winning matches but doing so using only three planes. Dave Fischer came in second.

July 12, 2020: CL Combat

By Phil Cartier

Nats F2D Combat took off to a great start Saturday morning, July 11. Unfortunately, only 14 flyers could make it, but the small field made up for it with lots of action. One could say the cream of the crop. Just about every flyer was meticulously prepared and there were few holdups other than pit crews, pilots, and judges playing Ring Around the Rosie.

July 12, 2020: CL Beginner Stunt

By Mike Stinson

As you all know, this is a very strange year for everyone. No different for Control Line Beginner Stunt, which took place Sunday, July 12. We had more volunteers than contestants for the first time that I can remember. This allowed us to finish before the predicted rain, which never came. The event ran smoothly because of the good help and cooperation of the contestants. I have heard some very good comments about the contestants from the volunteers.

2020 Outdoor Nats Update

Although some Special Interest Groups such as NFFS, NSRCA, IMAC, and NASA are not participating in Nats this year, the Executive Council's vote on 6/10 did not officially cancel those particular events. Other contest directors have approached AMA and are being considered to manage those events during Nats. You are welcome to register for any Nats event up through 06/26, but if an event organizer or contest director does not step up to host your particular event, AMA will fully refund your money and not host that portion of the Nats.

Outdoor Free Flight Update

The following message is from Dave Lindley, president of the National Free Flight Society (NFFS):

It is with great regret, that AMA and NFFS today announce that the current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of the Outdoor Free Flight Nats scheduled for July 27-31, 2020, in Muncie, Indiana. We do not anticipate that there will be a rescheduling of this event in 2020. Anyone that had already registered WILL be refunded 100% by AMA automatically.

2020 Outdoor Nats to Proceed as Scheduled

After careful deliberation, the AMA Executive Council has agreed to not cancel the 2020 Outdoor Nats. This decision is aligned with state and federal guidelines for events concerning COVID-19.

The 2020 AMA Nats will take place to the extent that individual Nats organizers plan and conduct their respective events. Additional safety measures will be in place to protect our members, staff, and community. Nats participants and visitors to the International Aeromdeling Center will have limited access to AMA facilities and should anticipate a scaled-back Nats experience.
