By Phil Cartier
F2D is an unofficial event we’ve flown for quite a while now. The cost of going to F2D contests and buying or, in rare cases, building a fleet of models with five or six engines costs quite a bit. And then there are the rules, written by committees in Europe.
But on to more fun. F2D Fast uses AMA Fast Combat rules. Often the rule about midair/crashes usually gets skipped due to a shortage of judges. If a plane crashes, it crashes. If the pit crew/pilot can get it back up safely, it’s good to go and collects more airtime.
The COVID-19 pandemic drastically reduced entries, but most of the F2D flyers stayed and kept the entry up to 15. The matching gives everybody a second chance by flying a non-winners round. Then the elimination round starts, no third chances.
I cannot give a play by play as in football and baseball. There’s just too much fast action. After a 12-year layoff from Fast Combat, I was just happy to have two good matches and not embarrass myself. Lots of action, no midairs or crashes—just Fast Fun.
Oddly enough, the finals were between two guys flying foamy planes, Chris Gay and Bobby Mears. They also flew the first round with Chris winning. Bobby knocked Bill Maywald out of the loser’s bracket to get back into the action. Bobby and Chris had a high old time with several cuts, some wing-banging, and finally Chris cut the string.
The third/fourth place match was a little rougher. Cary Minor got ahead of Rylan Ritch. They are both excellent fliers, but they got the wires crossed, hit each other, and both planes went in. In the rough and tumble, Cary came out ahead and got third place.
Many thanks to the judging crew as usual. Dave Edwards kept up his tons of energy, but special thanks to Matt Brown and Jerry Sabin who have kept cuts and time 100% for both days. The bright skies and the clouds made little cuts very hard to find.
Read all 2020 CL Combat Nats coverage HERE.