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Nats News

NSRCA Cancels Participation in 2020 Pattern Nats

The 2020 National Aeromodeling Championships (Nats) are still scheduled to begin July 12. AMA is continuing to monitor the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and it's impact on our upcoming events. Our final decision on moving forward with the Nats will take place June 10. AMA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are also making decisions for their individual schedules, and some are choosing to make earlier cancellations for their events. The following message is from Archie Stafford, president of the National Society for Radio Controlled Aerobatics (NSRCA):

Nats Registration Deadline Extended

As AMA continues to plan and prepare for the Outdoor Nats in July and August, we understand that our June 10, “go” or “no go” deadline is leaving participating waiting until that time to register for their events. Due to this timeline, we are extending the deadline for Nats registration to June 12.

As always, please contact your Nats CD or SIG if you have questions or concerns about your event. AMA will also be available to field questions as well using the contacts below.

Thank you and stay safe!

RC and CL Scale Nats Update

The 2020 National Aeromodeling Championships (Nats) are still scheduled to begin July 12. AMA is continuing to monitor the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and it’s impact on our upcoming events. Our final decision on moving forward with the Nats will take place June 10. AMA Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are also making decisions for their individual schedules, and some are choosing to make earlier cancellations for their events The following message is from Mike Barbee, president of the National Association of Scale Aeromodelers:

Outdoor Nats decision to be made June 10, 2020

Dear members,

As you might be aware, AMA and the National Free Flight Society made the difficult decision to cancel May’s Indoor Nats because of COVID-19. Many members are wondering if the Outdoor Nats will be canceled as well. AMA continues to plan and prepare for the Outdoor Nats in July and August, including discussions about extra sanitation. We’ll share any changes or announcements as soon as they are made. June 10 is the final “go,” “no go” date.

Indoor Free Flight Nats CANCELLED

It is with great regret, that AMA and National Free Flight Society (NFFS) today announce that the current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the cancellation of the Indoor Nats scheduled for May 27-31, 2020 in Eagar, Arizona. We do not anticipate that there will be a rescheduling of this event in 2020. Anyone that had already registered will be refunded 100% by AMA automatically.

Obviously, the health and safety of contestants is our primary concern and we will absolutely abide by all federal, state and local guidelines.

Don't Miss the 2020 Nats: Sailplanes are Fast and Fun!

The 2020 Indoor Free Flight Nats has been canceled. The Outdoor Nats will be held July 12-August 5 at the International Aeromodeling Center, in Muncie, Indiana. You can learn more about the 2020 Nats at modelaircraft.org/nats.

Don’t forget that if you’ve never attended the Nats, the $50 registration fee is waived for you this year. Online Nats registration opens March 1!

In this second blog of the series, written by Wally Adasczik, learn what makes the RC Soaring Nats fun and exciting.