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Outdoor Nats Update June 17, 2020

AMA looks forward to hosting a fun and safe Nats this year at the International Aeromodeling Center (IAC)! Today, we have new developments to announce for Nats 2020. 

After careful deliberation and reviewing the requests of the International Miniature Aerobatic Club (IMAC), National Association of Scale Aeromodelers (NASA), National Society of Radio Controlled Aerobatics (NSRCA), and the National Free Flight Society (NFFS), the AMA Executive Council agreed to not hold the Free Flight, Scale, IMAC, and Pattern Nats. All members who registered for any events managed by one of these four SIGs will be fully refunded.  

It is important to note that all other Nats events will remain as scheduled. At this time, only 5A events managed by IMAC, NASA, NSRCA, and NFFS have been canceled. These SIGs might consider holding alternative events at the IAC during their allotted time.  

We look forward to hosting a safe and enjoyable Nats 2020! To learn more or to register for Nats, visit www.modelaircraft.org/nats

Thank you and stay safe! 

Yolanda Jones, yolandaj@modelaircraft.org (765) 287-1256, ext. 261
Joyce Hager, jhager@modelaircraft.org (765) 287-1256, ext. 200