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Radio Control Scale Aerobatics

International Miniature Aerobatic Club
07/16/2024 to 07/19/2024
Flying Site: 

For detailed information see the IAC Calendar.

The objective of RC Scale Aerobatics is to demonstrate the precision and excitement of flying a Scale model replica in a manner that closely resembles the agility of the full-scale, world-class aerobatic champions of today.  Following in the footsteps of the International Aerobatic Club, in which full-scale pilots fly a specific set of outlined maneuvers in front of a panel of judges, RC pilots perform a similar set of maneuver sequences designed to suit one of the three skill-level classes: Intermediate, Advanced, and Unlimited.  The competition concludes with the Freestyle event, in which pilots fly an original aerobatics routine that lasts 4 minutes.  The routines are typically choreographed to music and feature daring, low-level altitude stunts.

2024 IMAC detailed schedule | National Aeromodeling Championships


Nats News

June 21, 2021: RC Scale Aerobatics Ends

By Rich Whitlow

We woke up Saturday to rain and predictions of rain all morning. So, it was decided that the contest would be ended at this point and awards would be given out at 10:30 a.m. in the AMA Headquarters building.

It was a nice opportunity for everyone to enjoy the awards ceremony and get one last visit before we all left for home.

It was a great Nats and the Nats team and Nats pilots did a great job of making it a world-class event.

June 19, 2021: RC Scale Aerobatics

By Rich Whitlow

Friday started out blustery, but with no rain. So 8 a.m. came and pilots hit the air … and LOTS OF AIR there was! The wind was brutal, and pilots had to use all of their skills to get through their Unknowns … and LAND! Many pilots had to land across the runway the short way! That was quite a site.

Then the rain came. 

We had a flying break until around noon. Then the rain let off and flying started again.

We were able to get through one Unknown round and on Known round—well accomplished rounds, I might add.

June 17, 2021: RC Scale Aerobatics

By Rich Whitlow

This first day of competition turned out to be a beautiful day to be flying! The winds were light, the temperature was moderate, and the sun was shining. There was no complaining about the weather on Wednesday, June 16!

The day started with a short pilots’ meeting. Everyone was informed, prepared, and ready to go.

The first round was a Known Round and was flown to perfection. David Moser was our first pilot in the air, and he mentioned that he wouldn’t have had it any other way!