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2019 RC Pylon EF1 Recap

by Santiago Panzardi and Dan Kane Helsel did it again! Congrats! He is now two for two in winning the Nats. Two three-pole events are in the books and Mike has won them both. Stay tuned for what happened next. This year we had 34 entries in EF-1. This event falls under the unofficial event category, as it is not in the AMA rule book.

2019 RC Pylon Club 40 Recap

By Tim Sparks

If you thought you had the “Right Stuff,” Muncie, Indiana, on July 13, 2019, was the place to be! We had great weather. It was hot but the racing was hotter.

Similar to the last couple of years, we started with some fun two-pole racing, which is a nice change from the hectic pace of the AMA three-pole events. Club 40 is a class that allows sport-type airplanes to race head to head on a two-pole course. The pilots fly out in front of themselves for 10 laps, normally against three other pilots.

August 5, 2019: Outdoor Free Flight

By Don DeLoach

The Free Flight Nationals are back August 5-9... for (can you believe it?) the 93rd running.

We will fly 71(!) events this week, plus several ad-hoc evening and morning “fun” events. There were about 145 preregistered fliers as of Sunday, August 4—an excellent turnout. The weather forecast looks very promising for the week with only a couple chances for rain in the middle of the week.
