A.C. Glenn focusing on the finals.
By Justin Wells
A great week of competition was had by everyone. This was a very well-run Nats event, and the team that accomplished it should be very proud. We have some new national champions among us. Each of these pilots worked very hard for their titles and should be known for such.

I wanted to highlight some of the key people that made the 2024 RC Precision Aerobatics (Pattern) Nats possible. These individuals are as follows: Jerry Budd, Rusty Dose, Bob Kane, Jon Carter, Jessy Symmes, Peter VanHuesden, Tim Jesky, Al Glenn, Joe Winterrowed, Don Ramsey, Mark Hunt, Yolanda Jones, Colleen Pierce, and every pilot and judge that showed up to support the event.

Without the contributions of everyone, these events simply would not happen.
2024 National Champions:
Daniel Hiller—Sportsman National Champion
Stephen Faster—Intermediate National Champion
Joe Lachowski—Advanced National Champion
Dave Lockhart—Masters National Champion
Andrew Jesky—Fédération Aéronautique Internationale/F3A National Champion
Final results and scores for all classes can be found at
Note from AMA: Do you have photos from the Nats that you’d like to share? If so, email them to Clarissa Poston at clarissap@modelaircraft.org. Please include a brief description in your email, naming any individuals pictured in the photo(s), the name of the event that the photo(s) were taken during, and the name of the individual who took the photo(s). Your submission(s) might be posted on AMA’s Flickr page, which can be found at www.flickr.com/photos/modelaircraft/albums!