By Melvin Schuette
Wednesday, June 23, was Class I and II Carrier in both the internal combustion glow motors and electric-powered planes. The difference between the events that were flown on Tuesday and those on Wednesday is that the planes flown on Tuesday used profile fuselages that only have to resemble an actual plane that made a takeoff and arrested landing on a carrier ship or is designated as a carrier-based plane. The classes of Carrier flown on Wednesday have built-up fuselages and must be within plus or minus 5% of the actual scale outline.
While on Tuesday most of the contestants had to deal with mechanical issues in flight, on Wednesday only one person had any in-flight mechanical issues, and no planes were damaged because of it.
The high point of the day was Pete Mazur’s record-setting Electric Class II Carrier flight.
The results for Wednesday’s events are as follows:
Glow Class I
Contestant High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Points Total Score
Burt Brokaw 101.5 mph 7 mph 100 100 445.5
Glow Class II
Contestant High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Points Total Score
Burt Brokaw 95.3 mph 5.2 mph 100 100 473.7
Electric Class I
Contestant High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Points Total Score
Pete Mazur 104 mph 7.7 mph 100 100 438.3
Mike Anderson 81.4 mph 9 mph 100 100 370.5
Dick Perry 81.2 mph 11.6 mph 100 100 350.4
Electric Class II
Contestant High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Points Total Score
Pete Mazur 102 mph 6.4 mph 100 100 457.7
Mike Anderson 88.8 mph 8.2 mph 100 100 396.2.
The annual Navy Carrier Society meeting was held on site after the official flying was done. At this meeting the Eugene Elay award was awarded to the person with the highest combined total in one of the Profile Carrier events, one of the Class I Carrier Events and one of the Class II Carrier events. This year Burt Brokaw beat out all of the other contestants for this award.
The Carrier Events could not be held without volunteers. I would personally like to thank Tara DeGraff for working both days of carrier and to all the other contestants for their help in making things run so smoothly.
Until next year.
Burt Brokaw (R) receiving the Eugene Eley award from Dick Perry.
Mike Anderson receiving his trophy for his efforts in the Carrier events.
Pete Mazur (L) with Event Director Melvin Schuette and his record-setting plane.