By Wally Adasczik
Well folks, if you have wanted to see standing changes dependent upon a slight change in wind speed, this was the contest for you. The leaders took chances and paid for them dearly. Do I go high and play it safe or low and get a bunch of points? That is the beauty of F5J. Chances, chances, chances.
Day 1 was natural Muncie weather—wait and it will change. Day 2, nope, here comes the rain. Here comes the rain delay. Day 2 ended with 13 rounds. The CD, James McCarthy , ended the misery on Tuesday and decided to pick it back up on Wedensday morning. Not to worrry, the weather was horrible. Wind, lightning, and rain. The weather prognosticators gathered, made assumptions that the weather gods approved, and after the first strike of lightning, the contest was cast.
Jon Garber flew his Ultima 2 to victory. He showed them all how it was done. A few hundred points behind was Steven Wilcox, a new entrant to the LSF Nats. Slightly behind him was Jerry Shape in third place. What a great set of pilots flying a challenging flight schedule.
Steve Wilcox Jr. and Jim McCarthy, CD. Steve came in first in Seniors. What a great kid kicking old people at flying.
Brady Bags coming at 10th place. A great flier from the state of North Carolina
That handsome Reid Roberts from Colorado and CD James McCarthy. They have been buds for a long time!
Lenny Keer from Colorado and CD Jim McCarthy. Lenny took 8th place.
7th-place finisher John Butler showed up from California and showed a bunch of folks how to fly. Can't wait to see how he comes along in the future.
6th place Scott Shaw is a really good pilot. Was up on the food chain and landed in 6th.
5th Place Sean Fidler emails a day before the contest to get into fly. No worries, no problems. Where did this guy come from? Man he is a great pilot!
4th place Ed Dumas Junior, LSF VP, and Jim McCarthy LSF Treasurer, do the grip and grin. Ed is so quiet. Ed just snuck up and smokes a bunch of peeps to 4th place.
In 3rd place, the most awesome Jerry Shape does the grip and grin with CD Jim McCarthy. Jerry has been flying as long as I have known him. A great pilot for sure.
Steven Wilcox and Jim McCarthy get the handshake going. Steven and his son, Steven Jr., are without a doubt the consummate pilots that sneaked up on everyone!
Team Pilot Jon Garber for DS Composites just literally laid the smackdown on everyone. Such a great pilot and a great engineer!
(From left to right) Steven Wilcox Jr., Jon Garber, Steven Wilcox, Ed Dumas, Sean Fidler, Scott Shaw, John Butler, and Lenny Keer. These folks all got trophies to take home and hang on the walls!