Opening report by Tim Stone
The sun shines once again on Muncie! Last year’s Nats for Control Line Racing was run, but the turnout was dismal. If I believe the forum vibe that I get, there is a greater sense of enthusiasm for this year’s contest than there has been for quite a while! Pre-entries in some events are double from 2020.
Dallas Sport Goodyear, heavily promoted by Bill Bischoff, is rumored to have 20 entries. If so, this will be the largest Nats event entry in more than a decade. There are some new faces, and some that have not come out to race at the Nats for several years. It promises to be a fun competition.
The event format has changed just a wee bit from prior years but remains four days. Events will be: Monday, F2C & Mouse 1; Tuesday, Slow Rat & SSR/Fox; Wednesday, Goodyear & Dallas Sport Goodyear; and Thursday, Clown Race and Texas Quickie Rat. Event specifications and engine and plane regulations have not changed any from previous years.
This will again be a “DIY” Nationals with no formal event director. Bill Bischoff, as president of the NCLRA, will be the leader of things as last year, with other members stepping up as needed.
Thanks go out to Ritch’s Brew for supplying the contest fuel. They have been a sponsor for many years, and their fuel has been flawless. Sponsoring this year’s events are:
SSR/Fox—Pat King (; Dallas Sport GY—Bob Heywood; Vintage BTR & Dallas Sport GY—T.J. Viera; and TQR—Tim and Mary Alice Stone.