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July 18, 2019: RC Combat

By William Drumm (midair72@hotmail.com)

Mother Nature did not let up with the rain overnight.

Day 2 of RC Combat started off with puddles all around. This again led us to start out using the red flagging tape streamers for the remaining three rounds of SSC. We continued flying all up and even with all of the planes up in the air. The scores were kept a little on the low side. This helped keep the rankings close together and the importance of every cut that much more important.

After all 10 rounds of SSC, the Wisconsin boys swept up all of the hardware. Bringing home fourth was Bill “3-Handed” Geipel with 1,800 points. With over a 600-point jump to third place, Mike LaPacz took it home with 2,404. Heath Bartel, with his electric planes, took down second place with 2,620. That left Andy “Dr. Kamikaze” Runte in first place with 2,780. Good job on bringing the wood back to Wisconsin!!!

After SSC wrapped up, we began the rest of the rounds of Limited B. Luckily, the grass dried off enough for us to switch to the black crepe paper streamers. Going all up and the black streamers led to some high scoring rounds and the rankings were spread out. Streamers were being traded back and forth off wings. Everyone had at least a two-cut round today! With the help of the Civil Air Patrol Cadets, we were able to get the rest of Limited B finished before the noon lunch break.

After 10 rounds of Limited B, third place went to Mike LaPacz with 2,168. Scoring consistently through all 10 rounds and sneaking in between the Wisconsin boys for second place was Brian Delahunty with 2,608. After having an abnormal day yesterday, Andy Runte came out swinging today with a low score of 340 and topping it off with a 960 and 840. After all was said and done, Andy took home first with a score of 3,940. Nice work Andy!!!

Once again, the Civil Air Patrol put on a great lunch for us Wednesday. After the lunch break, we went into Scale 2948. In this class, the planes are World War II fighter aircraft designs. They can have up to a .29 engine and have an rpm limit and a minimum weight limit. Building 2948 planes is much more time-consuming and the number of pilots who take up the task are few.

This year, we only had three pilots who were up to the challenge for the Nats. With the smaller wing area, most pilots prefer to have someone else launch for them so they can have their fingers on the sticks right away. Even so, launches can be hairy without having a good headwind. With only three pilots, the scoring was low and every cut was precious.

Bob Loescher had a malfunctioning aircraft and withdrew early in the meet. That left only two pilots to fight it out up in the sky, George Pritchett and Mike LaPacz. They both had their opportunities for cuts and took advantage when they could. Because it was just the two of them, they agreed to only fly a total of six rounds. In the end, Mike LaPacz took second with 840. With just one cut and 1 foot of streamer more, first place went to George Pritchett with 944.

After 2948, we broke out the E-1000 planes for four rounds of combat. E-1000 is a class being tested out by the RCCA. It is an all-electric class with a maximum battery size of three-cell 1,000 mAh. Various designs were flown Wednesday, from foam GNAT-style planes to flying wing pushers. Each design has its own pros and cons. The class is developing as pilots are trying out new designs.

As of now, Mike LaPacz is in third with 600. Andy Runte is currently holding second with 920. Electric guru Heath Bartel is taking the top spot with 960. There may be more rounds flown on Thursday after the official Nats events are flown, if everyone isn’t worn out by then.

Thursday morning, we will be starting out with the GNAT class and then Open B. Come on out and watch!

Mike LaPacz sporting some stylish footwear.

Bill Geipel getting ready to sticky up with the nasty Tanglefoot.

It's becoming a family affair with the Oosting's.

What's that devilish smile for Bob Loescher ... What airplane do you have there?

Civil Air Patrol Cadets going through their morning briefing.

Once again there's a combat plane ready to be picked. Muncie sure does grow them fast.

Heath Bartel sporting some well earned cuts.

Brian Delahunty and Bill Geipel out for a joy ride.

Cody Oosting sporting a 2-cut round.

Andy Runte lining up one of many cuts today.

Looking good Cody Oosting.

Getting the furball going.

Limited B winners. 1st Andy Runte. 2nd Brian Delahunty. 3rd Mike LaPacz.

Mike LaPacz getting his Scale 2948 ready.

Can't fool us in scale Bob Loescher.

George Pritchett with his 'George.'

Cody Oosting giving the 'George' a perfect launch.

Some Scale 2948 action.

Mike LaPacz lining up for a hard to get cut in Scale 2948.

E-1000 action keeping the action up close today.

SSC winners. 1st Andy Runte. 2nd Heath Bartel. 3rd Mike LaPacz. 4th Bill Geipel.

Yes Bill Geipel, it looks bigger if you come closer.

Scale 2948 winners. 1st George Pritchett. 2nd Mike LaPacz.

RCCA 2018 National Points Champions Mike LaPacz and Andy Runte.

E-1000 Scores

Limited B Final Scores

Scale 2948 Final Scores

SCC Final Scores
