By Tim Stone
Racing Tuesday was two of the fastest current events, Slow Rat and AMA Goodyear (Scale Race). Unfortunately, some of the normal entrants to both events are staying home this year for a number of reasons.
Slow Rat
This event is raced with .25-sized engines, which today produce tons of power. This is because of their development for use in RC racing buggies. Sadly, they seem to be using .28-sized motors and, as a result, high performance, multi-ported .25 motors are hard to find. With either, shafts and propeller nuts need to be fabricated to convert engines for airplane use.
Two teams entered with Bischoff/Greb having to scratch due to mechanical problems. Tim Stone borrowed Mike Greb and ran a good race for first, followed by David Betz and rent-a-pilot Bill Bischoff. Happily, there were no pit fires this year with the rear exhaust engines in close proximity to fuel tanks.
Entries were low and engines were finicky as usual for this event. Newcomer Richard Kucejeko from Alabama returned to racing after a long, long absence. He brought four nice new Goodyears to try out. He also brought a neat box of antique Rossi Mk I and II for conversation.
Four teams entered; Bischoff/Greb had to scratch due to mechanical problems. Round-robin 70 lap heats were run with pilots and pit crews sharing due to lack of contestants. David Betz ran the only decent race for the win. Betz ran a Nelson; Kucejeko an OPS small block; Stone an OS RZ; and Bischoff an unusual Cox/Rossi (Cossi).