By Nick Ray
The contest started off at an F1D pace. The first day was dedicated to getting signed in and reconnecting with old friends. All of the events span multiple days; thus, many competitors opted to make test flights while catching up with one another.

Several regular attendees have passed away in the intervening year. The absence of legendary modelers, such as Jim Richmond, Rob Romash, and Andrew Tagliafico, was keenly felt. While Indoor fliers are always a chatty bunch, the fellowship aspect of this year's Nats seems particularly salient.

Official flights were made in F1L, F1R, LPP, OPP, and EZB, but only by one competitor in each of the respective events. As the competitors settle in from traveling and regain their “Indoor touch,” the volume and magnitude of scores is likely to increase. Indeed, historically, the highest times have often been posted in the final moments of the contest.

Traveling with Indoor models is always precarious, and the usual issues with lost luggage occurred, but Stephen Griggs’ first Nats started off with a disaster that haunts the dreams of modelers. His model box was crushed during security screening at the Atlanta airport. Pieces of broken plywood, plexiglass, and models were returned to him. When he arrived at the Kibbie Dome, Tom Norell and David Lindley immediately pitched with supplies and expertise. After they collectively resurrected a Limited Pennyplane, the other competitors lent Stephen everything that he needed to get it flying. It was a day of true sportsmanship on the part of the Indoor community.

Stephen’s model box as returned to him after security screening.
Note from AMA: Do you have photos from the Nats that you’d like to share? If so, email them to Clarissa Poston at clarissap@modelaircraft.org. Please include a brief description in your email, naming any individuals pictured in the photo(s), the name of the event that the photo(s) were taken during, and the name of the individual who took the photo(s). Your submission(s) might be posted on AMA’s Flickr page, which can be found at www.flickr.com/photos/modelaircraft/albums!