By Melvin Schuette
Talk about what a difference a day makes! Tuesday, however hot, was calm, making for almost perfect Navy Carrier event weather.
Then there was Wednesday. The weather called for even hotter weather, and wind by noon were to be around 17 mph. I think the wind at 9 had already reached the 17-mph mark. This made for some interesting low-speed flights.
Wednesday, July 20, four classes of Carrier were flown: Class I and II electric motor-powered Carrier model planes and Class I and II glow motor-powered Carrier models.
In all classes of Carrier, you must signal for the low-speed portion of the flight, in order for the flight to be determined as an official flight. If you do not signal for low-speed flight, the flight is considered an attempt and you do not receive a score and are not eligible for a trophy in that class of Carrier.
The results for Wednesday’s Carrier events are as follows:
Class I Glow Carrier
Place Name High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Total points
1st Pete Mazur 19.12 59.69 0 100 225.3
Class II Glow Carrier
Place Name High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Total points
1st Pete Mazur 21.75 55.93 100 100 295.5
Class II Electric Carrier
Place Name High Speed Low Speed Landing Scale Total Points
1st Pete Mazur 17.68 48.3 85 100 313.5
The Navy Carrier Society (NCS), the Special Interest Group for CL the Navy Carrier, events award the Eugene Ely award to the person with the highest combined score for either one of the electric or glow Profile, Class I, and Class II Carrier events. The Eugene Ely award is named after the first person to be credited to have made the first carrier flight. This year, the award was given to Pete Mazur. Pete now has a total of 20 of the silver platter awards.
Hopefully, on Thursday, July 21, the wind will die down and will not be a factor in the unofficial events scheduled. There are four unofficial events scheduled for Thursday: .15 Carrier, Skyray Carrier, Nostalgia Profile Carrier, and Class I Nostalgia Carrier.
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