By Wally Adasczik
2022 F3K Day 1
The day started off in roll city. Yours truly fell on his sword with a laptop without ports, boo on Surface Pro. Mickey Nowell saved the day with the display boards, John Garber brought his laptop over, Gil Gauger provided his PA system. Hey, we were in the upside of getting the contest ready. Well almost. John Garber, I need the Glider Score .mdb file. Yah … mayday, 30 minutes later, Micky Nowell saves the day again and loads the voice files. Truly heroic effort by all to save the Large Wally.
On the upside, F3K got in all the groups for Round 1. Wally, Reid Roberts, and Jeff Carr colluded on Foreflight and pulled the plug 30 minutes before the 60-90 mph front wind rolled through. Folks, the wind blew so hard it literally ripped most of the Circus tents on the field to shreds. The Site 3 ginormous circus tent fell down. It lifted the circus tent with most of us hanging onto it. Not a bright decision, but we abandoned ship and left the circus tent to defend itself. That turned out poorly for all involved.
A quick call to the ALES folks, and the damage was much worst. Quite a few models took one for the team as they waited a snapper too long to start taking things apart. A visit over there revealed that many pop-up frames were destroyed.
Port-a-potty tip overs were everywhere, and human waste was abundant! The solution by the sponsor was tip them back up and use them and we will have them serviced on Monday! Yep, can’t wait to figure out how Sunday works.
Really good wall cloud. The gust front after that was no less than 60 mph!!! Sugar Honey Iced Tea went everywhere!!!
Jason Cole, RC Groups Man About Town, taking pictures of the stormfront coming!!!!
Anybody need an LSF Winch Blue sheet? This one was stuck to Wally’s truck many feet downstream from the F3K circus tent.