By DonDeLoach
The 100th anniversary of the first Nats gets underway Monday, June 19, 2023, in Moscow, Idaho. The flying site is the stupendous 146-foot Kibbie Dome at the University of Idaho. The Kibbie Dome has played host to many major indoor events since the 1980s, including the 1996 F1D World Championships and three AMA Nats: 1989, 1995, and 2014.
Ably organized by The National Free Flight Society (NFFS) and the visionary leadership of NFFS President David Lindley, the Nats week this year is more than just a Nats… it is four contests in one! These contests are the AMA Nats, the US Indoor Championships (for unofficial events), the US Indoor Team Selection for F1D rubber, and the first-ever FAI World Cup for F1D (rubber) and F1N (Hand Launched Glider).
The 2023 event director is Bruce Kimball of Seattle, Washington. Bruce is a lifelong Free Flighter, a Kibbie Dome regular, and an experienced Contest Director. I’m certain the Nats will go off without a hitch.
The flying schedule is a little bit different this year, thanks mostly to the expanse of the Dome. The Kibbie Dome is large enough to accommodate three divided flying areas for the various events, separated by model weight.
The lightweight classes of F1D, Hand Launched Stick, Cabin, Easy B, F1L, F1R, and Intermediate Stick fly in the protected West Bay. In the Middle Bay there’s test flying in all classes. The East Bay will feature the Glider events, FAC scale rubber, and the heavier AMA duration events, such as Pennyplane, LPP, F1M, A-6, Electric, Manhattan, and Mini Stick.
The Kibbie Dome has a reputation for stable air and very good flight times. It should be an outstanding Nats.
The Nats run Monday through Friday this week, with official flying all five days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Stay tuned to NatsNews for daily updates, photos, and scores!
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