Although some Special Interest Groups such as NFFS, NSRCA, IMAC, and NASA are not participating in Nats this year, the Executive Council's vote on 6/10 did not officially cancel those particular events. Other contest directors have approached AMA and are being considered to manage those events during Nats. You are welcome to register for any Nats event up through 06/26, but if an event organizer or contest director does not step up to host your particular event, AMA will fully refund your money and not host that portion of the Nats.
Please contact your Nats CD or the contacts below for more information. We will also keep you updated as information develops at modelaircraft.org/nats.
Thank you and stay safe!
Yolanda Jones, yolandaj@modelaircraft.org (765) 287-1256, ext. 261
Joyce Hager, jhager@modelaircraft.org (765) 287-1256, ext. 200