By Dan Kane
After a complete rainout on Sunday, CD Mike Condon made the decision to run both AMA 424 and EF1 on Monday, July 18. The plan was to shoot for six rounds of each, with the possibility of only getting 5 rounds of each in. The day started out with some thick fog and racing started as soon as the ceiling lifted enough to safely fly.
Here is an early heat showing the fog that presented itself early in the day. Within the group you have Lee Von Der Hey and Jim Allen teaming up in 424. Other pilots and callers include Adam Osswald, Santiago Panzardi, Trey Witte, Josh Stone, Dan Kane, and Jack Kane.
Duane Gall from Colorado is seen here with his own-design EF-1 racer modeled after the full-scale LOKI.
Steve Baker and his wife Christine, from Maryland, are trying to keep warm. Steve is racing two of his own designs. The yellow model is a Left Lane Exit, and the red plane is a Pitts Pellets. Steve has previously won best of show with his Pitts Pellets model.
Model processing continued throughout the day as well. Ben Jones and his father, Geb Jones, are seen here processing their 426 models under the leadership of Terry Frazer and Lloyd Burnham.
We had 30 pilots in EF1 and 28 pilots in 424. These two events are considered entry-level events. Both classes are run in a single matrix with a breakout time to determine Standard and Expert. The EF1 breakout time was 1:27 and for 424 it was 1:30. On top of that, we had two junior pilots and one senior competing as well.\
Proud dad moment, today. My son, Jack Kane, won his first national title. Jack flew amazing and beat some of the very best to sit on top today. I’m very proud of what he has been able to accomplish in a short period of time. He has only been flying Pylon for the past four years and has made huge strides in becoming a fierce competitor. CONGRATS kid!
Front row (L to R): Jim Allen 4th, Roy Andrassy 2nd, Jack Kane 1st, Dan Kane (Jack’s caller), Tim Sparks 3rd. Standing in the back row (L to R): Tom Doe, Best of Show; Chuck Andraka, caller for Jim and Roy; Annabelle Doe, 2nd in Standard, Best Junior, and Standard Fast Time (WOW!!); Greg Doe is holding Annabelle’s pink Outrageous model; Jay Cappis, 1st in Standard; Clint Seyer, caller for Tim Sparks; Travis Flynn 5th; Dennis Cranfill, caller for Leo Nordell; and Leo Nordell, Best Senior. Not pictured: Rick Paine, 3rd in Standard.
Jack Kane with the perpetual trophy which resides in the AMA museum. Jack flew a Miss DARA model, which was finished as a tribute to his grandpa who raced in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s.
Here are the final standings for EF1:
The 424 Quickie 500 class has a variety of models and motors used. We recently opened up the rules to allow full composite models to compete with foam wing wood tail versions. The rules are the same for both variations with the only difference being the construction method. The engines have proven to be problematic. Currently, we have 3 approved motors, TT 40 Pro, EVO .46, and the Jett Q-500 motor with a modified venture and muffler. I’m not sure what the cross-section of motors and models is, but it would be interesting to know who had what.
424 winners (L to R): Trey Witte 5th Expert, Auggie Haupt 3rd Standard, Mitchell Haupt (kneeling) 2nd STD and Best Junior. Behind Mitchell is Josh Stone, caller for Trey Witte. Also, Dan Kane 2nd EXP, Roy Andrassy (kneeling) 1st and Fast Time in EXP, Roy’s Caller Chuck Andraka, Jack Kane 3rd EXP, Larry Lisowsky 4th EXP, Clint Seyer caller for Tim Sparks, Tim Sparks 1st STD, and Rick Paine, caller for Cory Paine, Fast Time STD.
Final standings for AMA 424:
Here are some candid shots from the contest:
Santiago Panzardi and Adam Osswald from Ohio.
Jim DeYoung from Illinois.
Father/daughter team of Tom and Annabelle Doe from Tennessee.
Smiles all around. NMPRA President Trey Witte is presenting Cory Paine his Fast Time award.
Tom Doe and daughter, Annabelle, holding Tom’s Best of Show-winning Estrelitta model and the perpetual trophy which he has the honor of keeping for the year!
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