By Dan Kane
426 Q-500 has come to a close after 10 rounds of racing. Danny Coe from California stood alone on top. Congrats to Danny and his caller, Rich Beers, for capturing Danny’s first Nats win.
The trophies for the Pylon events were designed and manufactured by Tim Lampe. Tim worked closely with Mike Condon to develop some beautiful keepsakes. Tons of hours and fine craftsmanship are on display here with these trophies.
Ray Brown of Florida is seen here tearing down Danny Coe’s engine, checking it to make sure it was legal. It was.
The third-place finisher was determined by a flyoff. Bryan Blanchard of South Carolina won the flyoff and finished in 3rd. Mike Condon (CD) is on the left and Trey Witte (NMPRA President) is on the right.
Matthew Fehling from Florida turned in the fastest time of the event. Matt is a mode one pilot, carrying on the tradition of those that started RC with the throttle on the right stick.
The winners: (L to R), bottom row: Roy Andrassy 4th, Jim Allen 2nd, Danny Coe 1st, Bryan Blanchard 3rd, Chuck Andraka 5th. Back row (L to R): Rich Beers 6th, Matt Fehling Fast Time, Doug Kilebrew caller for Lee VonDerHey 7th, Marcus Blanchard, caller for his son Bryan.
And finally, these two jokesters (Ron Columbo and Mike Condon) and all-around good guys were thanked by all for their efforts by being awarded the Lenny and Squiggy Award for representing the high level of fun that can be had at such an intense competition.
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