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June 21, 2021: Control Line Precision Aerobatics

Beginner Stunt report by Mike Stinson

The Control Line Beginner Stunt at the Nats was held Sunday, June 20.  I would like to thank the volunteers who made this possible. Mark Overmeir, Wes Eakin, and Eric Taylor judged while Kenny Stevens and Dale Josephson critiqued the fliers.  Most importantly, Beth and James Mills ran admission and tabulation, while Ben acted as a runner.  David Ebers volunteered to handle the weigh in, pictures, and pull test.  This made my job easy. 

We had two Juniors, Xyndl (2nd) and Angstrom Eberenz (1st).  There were seven adults.  Al  Rohrstaff (1st), Andrey Vasilik (2nd), Bill Gray (3rd), Keith Mc Crary (4th), Brendan Eberenz (5th), Walter Moore (6th), and Len Bechtold (7th).

This year, the contest had some of the best Stunters I have ever seen at this contest.  They also took home some of the nicest donated prizes. There were some very nice Stunters with good engines as well as other Control Line Stunt gear.  I would like to thank the donors and ask the contestants to reach out to the donors with a thank-you as well.  

The Ebernez family (L-R): Agnstrom, Brenden, and Xyndl.

Al Rohrstaff.



Mon, 04/11/2022 - 2:01pm Pedro L. Soto, ... (not verified)

Very nice event this year facing the all odds of the Covid, we hope next weather be better and no fears of Covid19

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