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July 22, 2021: Designer Receives First Production Kit at Indoor Free Flight Nats

By Mike Welshans

During Wednesday's Indoor Nationals in Pontiac, Michigan, there was a surprise presentation to Flying Aces Club Hall of Fame member Pres Bruning. 

Pres has been having some health issues this year and could not fly, but during his downtime, Easy Built Models in Prattville, Alabama, had been creating a new kit from one of Pres's original plans. 

In 2012, Pres designed an Embryo model of a flying fish. Dave Niedzielski, owner of Easy Built Models, and his wife, Ann, drove up from Alabama to present Pres with the first production model kit, which was dated and noted as such on the box.  Dave also gave Pres a second kit so he could build another one if he was up to it.

Having built one of the prototypes of the models, I can verify that it is a great kit that comes with everything needed, including preprinted color tissue for either a blue or red to create one of two versions of the Flying Fish.

Pres Bruning and his family at the presentation.

Almost all of Pres Bruning's many plans from over the years are available free on the FAC website at https://flyingacesclub.com/wp/the-fac-library/plans-page-2/.

Pres with his original Flying Fish at the 2017 Flying Aces Club Nationals. Photo by Rachelle Haughn.