The 2022 Indoor Free Flight Nats continued Wednesday, May 25, in Eagar, Arizona. Photos by Don DeLoach. Chuck Andraka (L) and Anjulie Sorbello getting set up. Chuck has once again brought a large contingent of Juniors from Albuquerque. Josh Finn (L) and Tim Batiuk talking glider strategy. Australian glider guru Len Surtees tweaks the stabilizer on his HLG. Legendary glider flyer Ron Wittman is back at the NATs for the first time in decades. Tim Batiuk, Southern California glider expert, is a many time Nats winner. Contest director Rick Pangell. A sign welcomes competitors to the Indoor Nats. Tags: 2022 Eagar Arizona FAC Categories: Event Indoor Free Flight NatsNews NFFS Add new comment You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Your name Title Comment * Formatting options Plain textNo HTML tags allowed.Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically, unless the parent tag has the 'nolink' class.Lines and paragraphs break automatically. CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What code is in the image? * Enter the characters shown in the image. Cancel Leave this field blank
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